

Welcome to my blog, Eskie Antics, where I keep you pup-dated on the daily escapades of my dog Alaska strutting the mean streets of New York, NY. Here you will find tips on pet nutrition, exercise, training, dog-friendly events and places, and reviews on the latest products in the pet industry that we use and approve!

On Eskie Antics I will focus on raw-feeding, holistic care (vaccine-free), all-natural high-quality treats and toys, and pet-related trends that I personally feel are important to share with my paw-dience.

Alaska is a 7 year old, 20 pounds, female American Eskimo Dog. Born in the mid-West on a puppy mill farm, she made her way to the East Coast and into my heart in the summer of 2013! Her birthday is March 8. Some of her favorite activities include exploring the wilderness, getting treats into her belly, and barking at dumpster-divers. The best adjectives to describe her are adventurous, sassy, and quirky! Follow more of her daily antics on Instagram @alaskamazing.

Thank you for stopping by our blog! Woof & Kisses..

13 thoughts on “About

  1. Alaska is beautiful! You have a lot of great info here in your blog. Funny, I was just thinking about my dog’s paws the other day as we live in the mts and she is outside in snow and ice every day! So far she has no problems with her paws and would NEVER tolerate booties (would be like dressing a coyote!) even if she did…but a balm may be handy some day. Thanks for stopping by my blog~ Kelly

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi 🙂 Alaska is so cute and I really like the pictures you’ve posted of her! I’m interested in the bit you said about the holistic vaccine-free care. Could you give me some brief information on what a “vaccine-free” care means for a dog? Thank you and again, great photos! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there! Thank you for the kind words, and for reaching out. I’d love to tell you more about keeping my dog vaccine-free.

      The only vaccination that is required by law is Rabies. All others are completely voluntary. A holistic vet will typically give a rabies shot around 18 months of age, but a regular vet will push for it much younger. But the rabies vaccine alone is cause for concern considering the adverse reactions that are possible as a result.

      As far as ticks/fleas/heartworm, I take the natural preventative route, which means prevention through a species-appropriate unprocessed diet and natural remedies/supplements.


    2. Have you heard of a titer test? It is a simple blood draw at the vet that checks for antibodies (immunity). There is a study from Purdue University on over-vaccination in canines that is worth checking out. It talks about how their bodies start attacking itself as a result of vaccinating too much.

      If you are comfortable giving me your email address, I can email you some medical studies on the over-vaccination of animals.

      I love being able to help educate like-minded pet parents. Thank you again for reaching out! 🙂


  3. I am amazed at how Alaska seems to have the expression in every post that backs up what you are writing about! Her personality comes across vividly! Which speaks of your love even without your words! Wonderful posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, thank you so much for your kind, sweet words. I love capturing Alaska’s personality on camera and I hope it speaks to others as much as it does me. She melts my heart and soul each and every day! 🙂


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