Advice & Information · Nutrition · Uncategorized

“Pet Fooled” Documentary: The Great Debate on Pet Food

Alaska’s journey to raw feeding was not an overnight process. As she was my first dog, I like any other uneducated pet parent nourished her with the typical dog food: dry bits from a large bag and wet, mushy globs from a can. What I initially thought was the best thing I could do for… Continue reading “Pet Fooled” Documentary: The Great Debate on Pet Food

Advice & Information · Nutrition · Uncategorized

Don’t Be a Blind Consumer When Buying Pet Food

If any of you consider your dogs and cats to be not only animals, but a member of the family you are probably always on the hunt for ways to optimize their health regardless of what you feed. In the U.S. alone, $60 billion was spent on pets in 2015, and food accounted for $22-23 billion of… Continue reading Don’t Be a Blind Consumer When Buying Pet Food